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I realized something when I opened a gift from my mom this Christmas. She gave me 6 CDs by my favorite artists. As soon as I held them in my hand and looked at them I understood why some people are still buying CDs.

Nowadays, you don’t have to buy any physical release of music. You can listen to all the music you like on the internet and most of the time even for free. So why would you buy a CD? That’s exactly what I thought as well…

I think it is amazing that you can listen to any music you like anywhere you want, anytime you want basically for free. The thing is, that this actually is the problem with music nowadays.

There is too much music out there and the accessibility (although it’s mostly a good thing) actually ruins building the connection you could have with your fav music. It simply hits different when you take the CD out of the case, put it in the CD player, and hit the play button.

It makes it feel real. I would definitely recommend you be old-school and buy CDs instead of using streaming platforms. Let me explain.

Being able to actually “touch” it essentialy. The music you bought on a CD hits different. The connection you will have with it will stronger and different.

Yes, You Have to Pay for It

If someone would tell me that I should pay for something I can have for free, I would tell him to sh*t up. It’s a different story with CDs tho...

The thing with buying CDs versus listening to music online for free, is when you buy a physical release of the album, you don’t get the same product as if you would listen to the same thing online. Yes, it would sound the same, but the emotion will not be as strong. The emotions you get (at least for me) from listening to music online feel washed out compared to those you feel when listening to a physical release.

The appreciation is what makes the difference. As accessible as music online is, the less appreciation we have for it. If you have to go to the store, wait in line and pay the money for it, your connection to the music will be stronger and different (in a better way). You will have the memories of being it. And you will value it much more.

And if you value the CD, listening to it will be a special experience for you. And it will inevitably sound better.

Collecting Music

Although I am big into Spotify playlist curation I have to say that having a physical collection of music is the best.

Your music collection is not somewhere on the internet, but it is an actual thing you have on the shelf, and can pick one of the CDs and play it.

I am not saying that we should completely screw listening to music on the internet. You cannot buy on CDs everything you ever want to listen to. The Internet is one of the best ways to find new music btw.

This is how you can go about this. Use the internet (Check out my series “Good Music Flavor” or new music sections on other websites!) to find new things to listen to. Then once you find something you really like. Listen to it a few times and if you still like it you can buy the physical release.

Support Artists

Pretty much everyone has their favorite artist. Take me for example, I like what Alison Wonderland does, her music and everything around it is just great and I want to support her. I want AW and also other artists I like to keep doing what they are doing.

Let’s say, you would like to support your favorite artist. What are the ways of doing it? Yes, you can show your support by let alone streaming their music. You might not know this, but the amount of money streaming platforms pay to artists is unbelievably low. If you really want to support someone buying a CD is one of the better things to do.

Give It a Shot, Please

If you kept reading up until this point, I would like to give you a recommendation. If you listen to most of your music from Spotify, Apple Music, or other platforms, give it a shot and buy at least one CD. You can buy your favorite album. I am sure you will love it. And, if you don’t, at least you got to support your favorite artist. If nothing else, it will be a nice decoration to have in your room.

But, I hope you will fall in love with CDs just like I did. If you plan to, or already bought some CDs, I will be happy to know which ones you plan to or already bought. If you want you are welcome to share in the comments. (Also feel free to ask me anything too. It’s pretty much the only way, since I don’t have social media. I only send out emails to people who want to keep up.)

If you are not already a CD person but decided to buy a few and try them out, because of this post, I am so happy for you. I hope reading this showed you a way to enjoy music a little bit more.

Don’t forget to bookmark this page, in case you would like to get back to it sometime.

Aaand that’s it for this post. Thank you for reading. 👉👈

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