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Noob At Drawing Attends the Red Bull Doodle Art Competition

I was walking to the university library one day and saw a poster announcing a doodle competition organized by Red Bull. I was like “Nah, I don’t have time for this, and there is zero chance I could win.” My hyperactive brain had a different plan tho. My thought process went like this. Let’s give it a try, most people think they have no chance of winning, so not many people will even try. If I give it a shot I actually have a chance. There will not be that many people I have to compete with.

I went home that day and started doodling right after I came. I had this idea of a Red Bull can being poured out and transforming into a bunch of dope things. So, first I drew the can and the stream of Red Bull pouring from it. I was just having fun with it and started drawing a bunch of random lines and shapes. It made the fluid look more interesting and “doodly”.

Once the fluid was done, the real fun began. I came up with the title “OUT OF UR MIND”. I called it that because I wanted this piece of paper to represent the inside of my head. I drew it in the “drip” style to match the pouring-out Red Bull. I also switched the word “MIND” for a drawing of the human brain, so you have to put a little more thought into understanding it.

After that, I filled the space left with a bunch of random doodles. I really like the explosion, laptop, and test tube. Did you notice I also drew myself there? My little auto-portrait is hanging from the top. If you know me for a while you know that I wear a mask with teeth on it. I be looking like Kakashi from Naruto XD

Here you can see how it looked when I started and how it turned out at the end:

I know you have been waiting for this, so I won’t stress you anymore. This is probably going through your mind right now: “Did he actually win?” Well, unfortunately, I didn’t. It would be the coolest thing ever if someone who cannot really draw (like me) won a competition like this tho. The thing is, I am happy with what I was able to make. It doesn’t matter how good it is compared to other doodles. I think it actually looks surprisingly solid. And (at least from what I have seen) it is different and more interesting than the majority of what other people sent in.

I am glad I gave it a shot and didn’t give up before even trying. That’s what I would like you to take from this post. Some things seem harder than they are in reality. Mostly because the majority of people won’t even try it. They think it’s worthless since they don’t have a chance of success. If you ignore these thoughts and just try it, you will be surprised what can you achieve.

You won’t probably win every time, but you will be much closer to it than those who don’t even try. Look at me, I didn’t win this time, but if you look at my blog you will see the things I’ve done. And it all comes down to the simple sentence: “Just try it!” Nevertheless, I got to participate in a cool contest. I also enjoyed the process and love the result. That sounds like a win to me!

Do you like my drawing? Should I have won the contest? Would you like to see more posts like this from me? Lmk in the comments!

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