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I put QR Code Stickers in RESTROOMS and my Spotify Playlist BLEW UP

Note: Yeah, you’ve read the title correctly. Even though it looks that way, this post is not as odd as the title may suggest. Don’t worry, I will explain everything to you.

I wanted to blow up my playlist on Spotify. Every single tutorial on YouTube mentioned the same plain strategy. I tried it, but it was obvious my playlist won’t actually blow up like that. So I brainstormed a few out-of-the-box ways it could be done.

Instead of doing it through the internet, I decided to do it in the “real world”. I wanted to go out there and make it happen in my own style. I knew I would need to put more work in. I figured something interesting tho. If it takes more work, not many other curators will be willing to do it. If I will dive in, I can surpass them and attract more people to my playlists.

I have put my hopes into the idea, that if I will do it differently it will get more attention. I just have to make my playlist stand out. Then it hit me and I got the idea. You can probably guess it if you read the title again.

The Playlist

I used a playlist made for a post I did a few weeks prior. I did a similar thing in it, but with posters.


“Why would anyone look at my sticker?” – I asked myself. What sort of phrase would catch eyes? I did a little brainstorming. Then it hit me. People will most likely pay attention to something like this, when they are bored. My catchphrase comes from that idea.

I goes like this: “Are you bored? You probably are, since you are reading this. Scan the code and enjoy the wait with a special playlist!”

I wrote it in czech. I thought not as many people would react to a sticker in english in this part of Czech republic.

Sticker Design

The stickers had to not only I enjoyed this part of the process the most. I wanted to make a dope design that brings all the smaller parts together and creates a whole. I kept it simple. All I needed was the QR code (I used the same one from that other post.) some text, torn paper texture, and a few colorful streaks.

I put it all together and the design was ready. You can see a speedart of the process in the gif on the right.

The Making of The Sticker

    As soon as the design was done, I sent it to a printing service. I was a little concerned about setting it all up etc. It was actually not that complicated at all. All I had to do was to pick the size, quantity and material. Then I just uploaded the design, confirmed it and that was pretty much it.

    The company printed it and mailed it to me. It took quite a while, but when it finally came I was so excited. It came on a big sheet in a roll. You can see it in the picture.

    The Restroom Thing

    Note: Now, the thing you’ve been waiting for, I’ll finally explain the thought behind the title of this post. Why did I mention putting the stickers in restrooms.

    The goal of this whole idea was to get people to save my playlist to their library on Spotify. I knew tho, that people are not just wondering around and scanning random QR codes. I needed to get their attention and make them interested in the playlist. Interested enough to scan the code, hit the link and listen to the playlist. Only if they do all this and like the song choice, they will save it.

    Not many people would do all that under normal circumstances. If people are bored and have nothing to do, they are more likely to do something like that. This is what it all comes down to. I knew that, where I put the sticker is so important.

    I started thinking of places where people are bored. The first thing that came up was the restroom. Then I started thinking of more places: bus stop, bus station, school, bench in a park, etc. What was left to be done was to go to all those places and put the stickers all around. And that’s what I did…

    I put a bunch of stickers all around the city. In a few days it actually started working and the saves of my playlist started slowly going up. I had this idea in the back of my mind for a few months. I am glad it finally went down.

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