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Start Treating HEADPHONES as a Part of Your OUTFIT

Note: This post by Fatihah Farid on Lemon8 inspired me to write this.

Headphones are not usually looked at this way, but they are unapologetically part of our outfits. Matching headphones with their outfit is something not many people do. You can try it today and get your fashion game to the next level.

The moment you start thinking of headphones as a part of your outfit, you are already on a great path. Here are some more tips to get you going:

  • Pick the right type of headphones. – Each type works with a slightly different style. Think of the aesthetic you want your outfit to radiate as a whole.
  • Colors matter – As with any other accessory, you want the headphones’ color to match the rest of the outfit.
  • Customize your headphones. – This is not for everyone, but you can design your own custom headphones. Let your creativity flow. DIY headphones will likely be the best match for your outfit.

Picking the right headphones is the thing to start with. Go to a store and find headphones matching the style and colors of your planned outfit. Some outfits match with AirPods. Some match with over-ear headphones. Sometimes the good old wired headphones are the best pick.

Don’t forget to consider the actual sound and overall quality of the headphones. Who cares how good it looks, if the sound is trash? Find what works best for you.

Note: I can’t help telling you this. I love how this topic connects music and fashion. Since I dedicate most of my posts to music. I’m glad I can write about other things as well when there is space for it. Especially when it makes sense, like the connection between music and fashion in this post.

Here is some inspiration from celebrities’ outfits that incorporate headphones well into the overall look:

You can lmk (in the comments) which of these outfits you like the most.

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